Obsessed With Primitives?
Code that relies too heavily on primitive types instead of custom abstractions can be hard to understand and maintain.
std::vector<std::pair<int, int>> polygon = { std::make_pair(0, 0), std::make_pair(0, 4), std::make_pair(4, 0)}; std::pair<std::pair<int, int>, std::pair<int, int>> bounding_box = GetBoundingBox(polygon); int area = (bounding_box.second.first - bounding_box.first.first) * (bounding_box.second.second - bounding_box.first.second);
Make higher-level abstractions.
Polygon polygon = RightTriangle(4, 4); int area = polygon.GetBoundingBox().GetArea();
This advice doesn't just apply to primitives and The STL. It's possible for any type to be too primitive for the job.
Polygon polygon = IsoscelesRightTriangle(4); int area = polygon.GetBoundingBox().GetArea();