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Testing State vs. Testing Interactions

  • Testing State - Verifying the code under test returns the correct results.

    TEST(NumberSorterTest, ShouldSortIntegers) {
      NumberSorter number_sorter({quicksort, bubblesort});
      std::vector<int> numbers = {3, 1, 2};
      EXPECT_EQ({1, 2, 3}, number_sorter.SortNumbers(numbers));
  • Testing Interaction - Verifying the code under test calls methods correctly.

    TEST(NumberSorterTest, ShouldUseQuicksort) {
      NumberSorter number_sorter({mock_quicksort, mock_bubblesort});
      std::vector<int> numbers = {3, 1, 2};
      EXPECT_CALL(mock_quicksort, Sort(numbers));

Most of the time you want to test state. Occasionally interactions need to be tested when the number of calls or order of calls matter.